Saturday, August 3, 2019

Summer Study - Aug 3

The Last Words 

Greetings Everyone, if you are reading this then you have made it to the end!!!  Great job! 

If you know me at all, you know there are a couple of topics that I always return to as essential for the life of the disciple. One of these topics is that of living out our Christian life in the company of a small group! I have found that is it impossible to have success in my walk when I am isolated from other believers. Today, in this last passage of Colossians we are going to focus on this topic and hopefully see how important it is for us to immerse ourselves in a small community of love if we are going to live into the potential that God has for each of us.  Have fun in your study and great job on all of your work this summer!

Questions to Consider:                                                  
1.     In these final comments by Paul he lists out the names of several co-workers who are serving with him. How many people does Paul give who are with him? Take time to write out their names. 
2.    As Paul names his co-workers and gives their greetings to the church in Colossi, how does he describe them? Does he give evidence that he knows each one personally and with intimacy?
3.    Can you name four to six people in your life with whom you are intimate? List their names and write down a trait in each of them that blesses you.

Activity for the Day: If you were able to come up with your list of people you are close to, call each of them and thank them for being in your life. If you could not come up with a list, pray and ask God to build a small group of people around you with whom you can live out your faith openly and honestly.



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