Wednesday, April 17, 2019
A Plot
All of this time the Pharisees have looked for a way to get their hands on Jesus and the way was with Jesus all along. How tragic this must have been for Jesus, to know that one of his followers, Judas, was going to be the one to hand him over. Someone who spent day after day with him. I think betrayal often hurts more when it is from someone who you are close to then when it is from someone you hardly know. This must have been heartbreaking.
Read: Luke 21:1-22:6
Questions to Consider:
1. Have you ever had someone let you down or betray you? How did this make you feel?
2. One sin often leads to another. Have you ever been in over your head in sin?
Activity for the Day: Lessons from our Lenten Journey, post in the Facebook Groupabout some of your favorites from the “Activity of the Day” challenge.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
I always view this day as one of the darkest days in all of the Christian calendar. This is the day when Jesus gives his final farewells and begins down the path of the crucifixion. It is also the day that we get our most potent metaphor for Christian living, literally the body and blood of Jesus Christ. It is here that Jesus finally and fully connects himself with the image of the sacrificial lamb and helps us to see that he has become the Sacrificial Lamb slain to set us free. As you read the story, try to put yourself at the table with Jesus, smell the aroma, listen for the chatter and experience the grace that comes from Jesus through the ages to invite you to feast at the banquet of his love.
Read: Luke 22:7-62
Questions to Consider:
1. At the table of the Last Supper Jesus explains that Judas will betray him and that the other disciples will abandon him. How did the disciples respond to both of these statements of Jesus?
2. How did Jesus already begin to prepare Peter for his return after he was to abandon Jesus?
3. How do you do when confronted with fully following Jesus? Do you claim one thing and then back out, or do you stay the course all the way through? What does Jesus do when we get off track?
Activity for the Day: Share with the Facebook Groupyour favorite thing about Holy Communion and post a good-bye message. You may want to also invite your friends to our Easter Services this Sunday, this is the one day that many people still come to worship.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Good Friday
I encourage you to attend Good Friday Services today at Summerhill Campus at 12pm. We will be having a joint service with several other churches in our district.
Read: Luke 22:63-23:56a
Questions to Consider:
1. What does it mean that God understand our suffering?
2. What do you need to cry out to God?
3. What do you need to listen for from God?
Activity for the Day: Attend Good Friday Services
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Holy Saturday
“…and they rested as the law required!” That’s what they had to do the day after Jesus was taken down from the cross. On this rest day, think about what it was like for Jesus’ disciples and followers to sit at home and rest… knowing their Messiah had just died. We have a one up on the disciples, we know tomorrow is coming. Take some time today and imagine what would it be like if Resurrection Sunday had never come?
Read: Luke 23:56b
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Easter Sunday
Happy Easter! He has Risen! He has Risen Indeed!
I hope you have enjoyed our time together reading the Gospel of Luke! Today’s reading is the best part of the story! Before you read it for yourself watch this great Bible Projectvideo.
Read: Luke 24:1-53
Questions to Consider:
1. What was your favorite part of the 40 Days Luke?
2. What is for favorite Easter memory?
3. What will you do next?
Activity for the Day: Post a final message in the Facebook Group in the next few days. Consider reading Acts. It tells what happens next! Take it a chapter at a time. Keep up this habit of reading the Bible.