Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday, April 5 - 40 Days

Friday, April 5, 2019 
God and Money

Lenten Greetings Lake Deaton Family. Money and possessions from a biblical perspective are interesting things. On the one hand, they are needed for us to live. On the other hand, they can cause us to stumble. On the other hand…       Wait, there is no other hand! 

When Loida and I got married we immediately learned that Loida was much better at handling our finances. She likes numbers… I prefer not to deal with them. She likes details… I’d rather look at the big picture. However, as followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to be good stewards, to recognize that whatever we own and possess really belongs to God, and to use all our resources wisely. I have always struggled with the parable Jesus used to teach about handling resources prescribed for today’s scripture reading. Jesus’ point may have been that even a dishonest manager thought carefully about using resources available to him to get ahead. Jesus was not proposing that we would become dishonest in our handling of our money and possessions, but that it doesmake a difference what we do with what we own. Let us not fool ourselves. We come to this world owning nothing and we leave with nothing. However, God has given us so many resources for us to manage here on earth, primarily to benefit those around us.

Read: Luke 16:1-18

Questions to Consider:
1.    Do you think it is appropriate to talk about personal finances and the use of money within the church? Why or why not?
2.    Looking back in your life, can you think of one or two occasions when you used your resources well to benefit someone else?
3.    Would you be willing to help someone learn how to make wise financial decisions? If so, talk to Pastor Jim.

Activity for the Day: It has been a week since creating your Earn, Save, Give plan.  How are you doing?  Do you need to renew your commitment? Find a way to bless someone else today with the resources God has given you. 



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