Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Love Your Neighbor
Read: Luke 10:25-42
There is a danger when we try to put people into “boxes” and this is exactly what the legal expert is trying to do in today’s passage. By asking Jesus who his neighbor is he is trying to put people into boxes. He is asking, is there a group of people who I can put in a box and not love. It is hard to love people who are different from us, but Jesus calls us to do this hard thing. Today, I have two videos for you to watch. One is my video and the other video is an advertisement for Heineken beer. I hope you enjoy both videos and that they encourage you to take people out of boxes you might have put them in.
Click hereto watch the Heineken video.
Questions to Consider:
1. What are your thoughts about the second video? Do you struggle with drawing your circle wider?
2. It is easy to put people into boxes. Have you done this? What can you do to take people out of boxes?
Activity for the Day: Do something today to love a stranger. Write about what you did in your journal or in the Facebook group.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
How Do We Pray?
Today we are going to talk about prayer. I sometimes think that people feel like they should naturally be able to pray. However, it has been my experience that we have to develop a practice of prayer, just like any Means of Grace. A robust prayer practice does not happen on its own. Elaine Heath in her book, Five Means of Gracesays “fundamentally prayer is a practice of being present to God, who is always present to us”. So, the key is learning how to be present and then practicing that presence. For now, let’s dig into the reading, video and questions to see what we can learn about the practice of prayer.
Read: Luke 11:1-13
Questions to Consider:
1. Describe you current prayer practice.
2. What is keeping you from moving into a more disciplined practice of prayer?
3. What can we learn from the other examples of Jesus praying in Luke? What was happening right before or right after Jesus prayed? See 3:21, 5:15, 6:12, 9:18, 9:29, 11:1 and 22:32
Activity for the Day: I find it helpful in my daily routine to have an established prayer time and place that I use each day. This helps me to keep to this discipline. I do pray at many other times during the day, but my established prayer time is always the same time, in the same place and usually with the same routine. In your journal work out what an established prayer place and plan would look like in your daily life. Then start practicing being present with God.