Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday, March 15 - 40 Days Luke

Friday, March 15, 2019 
Rule for Life

Friday is here!  For me Friday is the start of my weekend.  In my life, either Friday or Saturday is taken as a Sabbath day.  I have learned that practicing spiritual disciples and care of mind-body-spirit is needed.  One of my favorite quotes about Sabbath is from the book Subversive Sabbathby A.J Swoboda.    He says this of choosing actives for a Sabbath day; “Our family has summed it up like this: Is the activity in question life giving, or is it life taking?  This is, does it bring us life, rest, hope, wholeness?  Or does it drain us, pour us out, stress us, or load us down?”  

Being a Jesus Follower is not for the weak of heart.  Jesus asks us to do things that are hard.  Jesus asks us to love our enemies and to not judge others.  These are two things that do not come easily to humans.  It is important that we practice Sabbath, that we have a Rule for Life, that we participate in activities that are life giving, so that we might be strong enough and bold enough to follow Jesus in the ways we have been asked.   

Read: Luke 6:12-49

Questions to Consider:
1.     What do you do currently in your life that is life giving? Make a list of these activities.     
2.    Do you fill your life with activities that drain you, pour you out, stress you and load you down?  Make a list of these activities     
3.    Do you struggle to love your enemies?  How can you work to become obedient to Jesus in this area?    

Activity for the Day:  The activity for the day is a BIG activity.  It might take you longer then one day.  The activity is to write a Rule for Life.  Visit this linkto learn what a rule for life is and for help writing your rule.  Briefly, your Rule for Life is your plan, with input from God, on how to order your life.  It is important in your Rule for Life to really look at what you are spending time on, to look at what is important to God and to look at what brings you closer to God.  My prayer is that you fully engage in writing a Rule for Life.  It will change your life!



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