Thursday, March 14, 2019
Fresh Expressions
One of the most exciting ministries of the church today is Fresh Expressions. A Fresh Expression is a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of those who are not yet part of any church. Fresh Expressions often do not look like anything most of us are familiar with when we think about church, but they are very effective at leading people into having a personal relationship with Christ. I am excited that today you are going to be studying a passage that is talking about first century Fresh Expressions, the ministry of Jesus! As you read the passage and watch the video try to put yourself in the place of the church people of the first century and ask how you would have responded to the ministry of Jesus.
Read: Luke 5:33-6:11
Questions to Consider:
1. When Jesus is talking about putting new wine into new wine skins, he is saying the ministry of the church is changing and that many in the church will not be able to make the change. Why do you think the people of the established church struggled with Jesus’ ministry?
2. Right after talking about the new wine for new wine skins, Jesus healed someone on a Sabbath day. As Jesus asked them the question, what he was really asking is, what is essential to the faith and what it not. This is a good question for today. When you look at what we do within the church, ask yourself what is essential?
3. After you have asked this question, ask what you would believe to be essential for other people?
Activity for the Day: In the coming months we are launching four new Fresh Expressions; A Dinner Church, Yoga Church, Pancake Church and Messy Church. Take the time to learn about these new ministries and then get involved in one of them OR commit to pray for one or all of them for the rest of Lent. Post about what you decided to do in the Facebook Group.
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