Thursday, March 7, 2019
Don’t Be Afraid
Welcome to the second day of emails, the first day of reading. One of the most important things about this study is going to be the importance of finding a routine. I know in my own personal Bible reading time if I try to commit to read and study without routine I often fail. I encourage you to think about when and where you are going to participate in this study each day. If you miss a day, it is okay. Just catch up the best that you can. The important thing is to not quit and to keep on moving forward. A routine takes a while to establish.
Activity for the Day: Write down in your journal (Do you have a journal yet? If not just use a piece of paper) when and where you are going to participate in this study each day. Make a commitment between yourself and God to establish this routine of daily study.
Now, hopefully, you are in a comfortable spot, possibly with a cup of coffee or tea and you have established when you will study. It’s time to start. Sit back, say a little prayer for your heart and mind to be open, and then open your Bible and let’s see what God has planned for you in these 40 days.
Read: Luke 1:1-56
Questions to Consider:
1. How do you think you would respond if you saw an angel?
2. What is the same and what is different in how Zechariah and Mary responded to the angel?
3. Have you ever been asked to do something that seemed impossible? How did you react?
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