Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March 12 - 40 Days Luke

Tuesday, March 12, 2019 
Biblical Literacy 

Greetings Lake Deaton Family!

Yesterday I talked about how I have never been a big fan of Monday’s. Several years ago, I went through a period where it wasn’t just my Monday’s that were hard, but my Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, etc., etc…were all hard.  During this time of really feeling down I was blessed to have something that got me through the darkness, and which ultimately led me out the other end. I’ll tell you about it in my video. As you read through the Scripture see if you can identify what that “something” was.

Read: Luke 4:1-44

Questions to Consider:
1.    Jesus begins his ministry by going into the wilderness for 40 days. How does Satan come and temp during this time?
2.    How does Jesus respond to the lies of Satan? 
3.    Why do you think the Bible so important when going through times of trouble and distress?
Activity for the Day:  As you read through Scripture ask the Holy Spirit to help you find a “Life Verse” or a “This Week Verse.” After you find it, write it down in your journal and write a short paragraph of why you feel this verse is significant to you. After you have done this, work to memorize the verse.   



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