Thursday, July 11, 2019

Summer Study - July 11

Thursday, July 11, 2019 
Warning to the Rich 

Greetings Friends,

James is a hard and challenging book to read… and yet through the words of James, God also gives us hope of restoration and spiritual growth. Reading today’s scripture, I had to say: “ouch,” because I feel that in our world today, we are the rich people who should groan with anguish. However, it calls us to recognize that we are stewards of the resources that belong to God and to be mindful of those who in one way or another work to serve us. The clothes we buy, the food we eat, the cars we drive, the roads we drive on… are all a result of people who work hard to make those items for us. Sometimes driving in our roads I see the crews of workers changing the flowers so they are beautiful for us to see. Rather than being annoyed that I have to slow down… might we say a prayer of blessing for those workers under the heat, planting beautiful flowers for our enjoyment. God calls us to be good stewards and to be mindful of workers near and far and to express our gratitude to them and to God.

Read: James 5:1-6

Questions to Consider:
1.     Have you ever been part of a march or protest or representative of those who are marginalized, forgotten, imprisoned, or downtrodden? If so, reflect on how you were lead into the role of empathy with the less fortunate.
2.    Make a list of workers that you run into on a daily basis… at least 10 of them. Lift up a prayer of gratitude for their lives and intercession for whatever difficulties they are experiencing today.

Activity for the Day: Today is Thursday. Find one opportunity to bless someone that serves you: maybe a waiter or waitress at one of the restaurants you frequent, maybe the cashier at the supermarket, maybe a clerk at a clothing store, your barber, or even a worker on the road planting flowers. Have a card ready that says “your service is appreciated,” or “I will pray for you today,” in whatever way the Spirit leads you to think of those who serve you… go and do it!



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