Saturday, July 27, 2019

Summer Study - July 27

Welcome to the Weekend!

I hope you have all had a good week and that you are having a blessed Saturday. I like this passage today because it speaks to our need to have our lives centered on Christ. This centered life is our hope in times of stress and in the times of confusion that are coming at us from every side today in our world that is going through a time of cultural change. I invite you to read the passage and then let’s think about what it means to be centered on Christ. 

Questions to Consider:                                                  
1.     Paul is calling the church to live above the philosophies and ideas of the world, and this is a needed call. How does he call us to then focus our attention? 
2.    John Wesley talked much about the “means of grace,” doing those things that put us under the power of the Holy Spirit (such as prayer, studying scripture, small group community, giving and participating in the communion service). How can these things lead us to be more connected with Christ today? 

Activity for the Day: Take some time to do a spiritual inventory. Where are you growing with Christ and where are you struggling? How can you continue to grow in your “means of grace?”


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