Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Blessings to you all on this Hump day!
Have you ever been in a situation that you didn’t necessarily want to be in, yet someone came alongside, out of the blue, to help you? I can remember several times where people have stepped into my life in deeply profound ways that helped guide me, protect me and/or bless me when I needed it the most. The question I have found myself asking over the years is, “Am I living to serve others in the same way?” Today we will look at a great example of a servant leader and in that learn some lessons we can hopefully apply to our own lives.
1. From this story how is Boaz revealed as a man of integrity? Would this be a man you would like to work for? Is it important that Boaz is from the same family as Naomi?
2. In what ways does Boaz make special provision for Ruth in their initial encounter?
3. Can you describe a time in your life where someone stepped in to help you when you were in a time of great need? What did if feel like to have someone help in your situation?
Activity for the Day: Take time to think through how you are living as a servant leader in the lives of those around you. And then spend some time journaling your thoughts, and if needed, how you can grow in this area.
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