Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Summer Study - July 24


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Every morning I get up and look out on my porch to the world outside. Some days is cloudy and rainy (and I just want to climb into the couch with a good book), some days I see an amazing sunrise, light making its way through the clouds, pushing all darkness away. And, it is at that time that I take a few minutes to lift a word of praise to God. God who is faithful, God who loves unconditionally, God who is there with me, God, who has a future and hope for us all. Today’s scripture is one of my favorites among many. It is filled with theological depth of who Jesus Christ is. Paul affirms that Jesus was there at creation, Jesus has no beginning and no end, Jesus is part of the trinity: Father, son and Holy Spirit, and it is through Jesus Christ that we are reconciled to God! Praise God. What an amazing way to begin a letter to the church establishing our affirmation of faith and giving praise to the one who loved us all, Jesus Christ!

Questions to Consider:                                                  
1.     As you read this passage, what do you believe is the highest praise given to Jesus Christ in this short hymn? Can you think of a current hymn or contemporary song in which we give similar praise to Jesus?
2.    In your journal, or on a separate piece of paper, write three specific truths about Jesus Christ revealed in this passage.

Activity for the Day: Spend some times in the Book of Psalms today and find a Psalm that you like and make it, along with the scripture for today, your prayer for praise for the rest of the week.  



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