Monday, July 8, 2019

Summer Study - July 8

Monday, July 8, 2019 

Greetings Lake Deaton Sisters and Brothers,

There is a funny thing that happens when you get several pastors together in a room. At some point, they almost invariably begin to figure out who pastors the largest church. If you know anything about ministry, having the largest church does not mean you are a better pastor or that your church is the better church, but there is something in the makeup of pastors that leads them to want to position themselves on the totem pole of success. Maybe pastors are not the only ones who do this, maybe many, if not most, of us struggle with the drive to compete and be on top. Today James, in his typical straight forward manner, addresses the issues of jealousy and selfish ambition. I think it’s a good one and I hope you get a lot out of the study. Blessings!

Questions to Consider:
1.     James talks in this passage about “selfish ambition,” describe in your own words what selfish ambition is? How does selfish ambition relate to jealousy?
2.    In verse 16, what does James say comes out of jealousy and selfish ambition?
3.    What traits do we need to develop to guard against jealousy and selfish ambition (verses 17 & 18)?  

Activity for the Day: Have you struggles with jealousy in your life? Take some time to humbly write about this in your journal.  



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