Thursday, July 18, 2019
He is a Restorer
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
I don’t know about you, but I love the story of Ruth. It is a story of survival and of redemption. Today we are going to see a great example of the power of redemption in the story of Boaz. As you begin, I invite you to ask God to reveal to you a deeper understanding of redemption and how you can experience his redemption to its fullest.
Questions to Consider:
1. Why is it important that Boaz is part of Naomi’s family? How are you part of God’s immediate family and what does that mean for you?
2. When Naomi says that Boaz is, “one of our family redeemers,” she is saying He has been put in the position to bring hope and salvation into their situation. How is Christ our ultimate family redeemer?
Activity for the Day: Take some time and get away to a park, or just some private place within your house and take several minutes to focus your heart and mind on Christ and what it means that he would live and die so that you could experience the fullness of God in your life. If God gives you any insight during this time, write it down in your journal.
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